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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baby Booties
Here are some of the most recent booties that have been ordered. I am loving the creativity of the booties being requested and seeing how everyone is mixing different colors.

 Light brown and pale baby blue 4.5 inch infant/toddler

Light brown and a pale baby blue double lined body with
a solid light blue top. Gives a nice variation.

Hot pink and orange toddler

Please help spread the word to your
 friends to see if they are interested!
 I’m going to be making some
“santa’s feet” only available this month!
  pictures of Santa's feet booties coming soon!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Phones at work have been crazy so I've been looking for ways to help me remember how much I really do enjoy helping people. Customer service is the business to be in if you want to be a help for good and a strength for giving yourself the opportunity to exercise patients. While looking for a way to help myself I decided to send a cute picture to a few loved ones. To which I received many positive responses. This was the photo.
 Isn't this super cute? SMILE!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Quick update. Our last treatment hopes and dreams were dashed by reality. In truth we were hoping this one would work out for us so we would be able to call the radiology department at St. Marks to go and have our test done. However after our 5th round of Clomid I never did ovulate this month. We had three successful months in a row which was an incredible blessing and are hoping we can get to that point again. In the past we have had a few runs of success and then a pit fall where I stop responding. Emotionally all of the testing, waiting and testing has worn on me in ways that are difficult to express. I can honestly say that there is an incredible human capacity to try.

Difficulty comes upon us and we have to ask ourselves what are we made of, how are we going to act and what can we learn. Then the more you try to endure and face the experience at hand the more it becomes evident that we are going to have good and bad days, we are going to feel pain and sorrow as well as love and increased awareness that we are not forgotten or left alone without a hope. Heavenly Father and his son, our Savior bless our lives immensely. We just have to be looking for those blessings.

Recently we took our Young Women to the temple to see the lights and to reflect on ways to live pure virtuous lives. I shot a few pictures on my phone and thought about how uplifting light in general is, an how it dispels the darkness in our lives. It was a nice break.

Tad has been an incredible support and a great source of loving encouragement. I only hope to be able to return the favor as we grow together. Last night we were informed that Todd's cancer is back and is aggressively moving once more. He is doing some testing to assess his next step in the process of the fight. One thing I've always admired about Todd is his unfailing ability to love God and to trust in him. He has never blamed his cancer on anyone or anything. He takes everything in stride and usually with a healthy dose of humor. He uplifts the rest of us when we should be uplifting him! Our prayers are with him and our gratitude for his courage and strength.

Monday, November 5, 2012

In response to the request for more information here are some details for the Booties for Baby. These might not catch all of your questions so please don't hesitate to email me for more details! 

All sizes are given in INCHES rather than shoe size to better accommodate foot shape
 · New born/Infant generally runs 2 inches - 
· Infant 3.5 inches
· Toddler  can be a wide range however usually fits 4 inches to 5.5 inches
·  Teens these are made to order as they are the in between inches run from 5.5 inches to 7.5 inches
· Adult 7 inches and anything larger

Approximate Costs are below and are
subject to change.
Newborn begin at$7.00 +
Infant begin at $15.00 +
Toddler begin at $18.00 +
Teens begin at $20.00 +
Adults begin at $25+
As Tad and I have been learning and doing our research we have come across so much information. At times the different options and testimonials are overwhelming. All doctors have their own approach and all medications make each person react differently. Luckily for me I have an incredible support group through friends and family, and most importantly I know that I have a loving Father in Heaven who is aware of me and is blessing me to become better. 

I have had a lot of fun making these booties to earn some money for us to continue fighting against our infertility. All the support we are getting is such a blessing. Thank you for your help!

As the word spreads about BOOTIES FOR BABY i'm hoping those who are facing something similar will find hope and success and possibly if they read this they might know they are NOT alone! Fix a smile on your face, and remember the rainbows come after the storm. Never give up on what you want the most, even if it hurts to want it so bad. I look forward to the day where I will get to make some booties for my very own baby's feet. For now I'll enjoy making them for your babies.

If you know anyone who would like to help support us in our efforts of starting a family they can place an order for booties to my email with the subject line as Booties for Baby. A huge THANK YOU!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Two years ago an exciting time came, time to start our family! Tad and I were incredibly excited and did everything we could to prepare, or so we thought. After a year of trying all natural ways of improving your chances, we began to have heavy hearts. Doctors visits ensued, prayers were said and our journey continued. This journey continues still today. Since we began we have learned incredible lessons, shared tears of heart ache and of joy and hope. Family and friend have buoyed us up and given us strength as they encourage us to keep trying. To everyone I say thank you! 

I started a little idea with the hope I could bless the lives of other's while earning some money to put towards our infertility treatments. I am currently crocheting booties (slippers) and selling them for this purpose. Already we have been received with love and have a few people participating! Don't worry your booties are coming for those of you who have ordered. Here are some examples of what I've sent out so far. 

This is an example of the Adult size

Toddler size

Infant boy

Infant girl 


As I have been making these I have learned a lot about the joy that comes from taking raw material and creating something better, and more useful. It is a joy to think my efforts might be keeping some angels feet warm. I feel like Heavenly Father is taking me (a raw material) and through this trial shaping me into something better, more useful! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

I was just working on cleaning out my email inbox when I found this poem, I'm not sure who the author is which is unfortunate, because I think they did a wonderful job of showing gratitude for the "simple everyday" things that are essential to our being here on earth...

I have two feet to walk upon
as I go about my way.
They may not be the swiftest
yet they follow God each day.

I have two hands with many fingers
and alone they don't seem like much.
But when clasped in prayer together,
the Father's heart they touch.

I have two eyes with which to see.
Such a wonder He did impart.
But, greater than these are the ones He opened
so deep within my heart.

I have two ears that hear so much.
It truly does astound.
But, when my Lord whispers my name
oh, the sweet melodies that abound.

Now, they say I have only one heart,
but, really, that isn't true.
For one is flesh and one is love
and that adds up to two.

One is to keep; the other to give.
Our Father planned it that way.
For you see there isn't anything
He didn't think of on that day.

He knew everything we'd have need of
the day He formed the clay,
And ever since He's been providing
and for THAT I give thanks this day.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Each month we take our youth to the temple to do baptisms for the dead, and this month was a little extra special for me. All of the other Young Women leaders were unable to go last Saturday, so I had the chance to go with them myself as the only leader other than the Bishop. It was such a sweet experience enriched by the spirit. As we waited to go to do confirmations (which was about an hour because there were SO many people-they even ran out of clothes twice) one of the girls started to get a little anxious. So I went to sit by her and asked her a simple question. "Do you remember what you felt like the day you were baptized?" She thought for a brief moment and said, "Yes, of course I do. I was really excited and a little nervous." Then it was my turn to think... I then said, "Abbey, when I come to the temple to do work for the dead I try to clear my mind and think back to the day I did the ordinance for myself, I try to recreate those feelings so that I can be just as excited for those people who I am doing the work for. Because I strongly believe the House of the Lord is FULL of the spirits who we do the work for. Along with creating feelings of excitement and wonder I add reverence and most of all... I bear my testimony of the truth of the gospel to each one of the people who I do the work for. . . Maybe you should try that this time?"

We were both quiet for a few minutes as we pondered. 

From that moment on the spirit of the temple work, the spirit of the truthfulness of the gospel and Abbey's willingness to listen... wrought a change in her. She was completely reverent and at ease. She was really listening to the prayers as they were said and she was absolutely beaming when we finished. 

As I was the only female leader present I did the work with the girls and had a neat opportunity to spend some time in "heaven on earth". On the way home the Bishop was asking the girls how they felt, and they all said things like... clean, happy, refreshed and of course... hungry. Hahaha. These girls have my heart go out to them. I thanked them for living righteously so that we could take them to the temple, and then I told them how proud of them I am that they would get up early on a Saturday and give service to the Lord for a good part of the morning. I then said, "I want you guys to really think about the work you do in the temple. Do you realize that without you, those people who you were baptized and confirmed for would not be able to be saved? They would be stuck, trapped for all eternity unable to progress and unable to enter into heaven. Baptism is the first and most fundamental ordinance." Then I smiled and said, "Girls do you know what that means? That means you just became a hero! You have done something for those spirits that they could not do for themselves. And now that they have been baptized, if they choose to accept they can progress! There is a reason they are called the "saving" ordinances. Some of those people have been waiting for 30, 75, or 300 years! It only takes us 2-3 hours and we can save those souls!" 

All of the girls looked so excited as they digested what I said. One of my beehives said, "wow, I guess I've never thought about it that way. It would be a long wait." 

The spirit was super strong, and it was just SO inspiring to see these cute little girls leave behind the things of the Lord and be where they should be. The unity between them increases each time we go to the temple and I love watching them grow closer to the spirit and one another while we do the service there. 

I want to end by sharing a quick testimony that we as Children of God have great potential and as we glorify God and give all credit to him we will continue to humbled and become more teachable. It is when we do these things we can more fully obey the commandments and live up to our covenants. We do fall short of the Glory however I know we do have a mediator who is our Savior Jesus Christ, he completed the atonement and has given us the gift of that grace, enabling us to move forward and progress in joy and happiness. As we learn to obey we will truly be lifted up, picked up and encouraged to do what is right.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

There once was a young woman who was completely happy with her life. She had a job (one that she didn't  really loved per say but it was a job) she had a supportive and helpful family who really encouraged her to do all that she could to succeed and push passed the limits she set for herself. . . she had a truck that she was madly in love with because it was a Royal Blue 1970 Custom 10 Chevy Pickup, and she had a plan for her life! What more could a girl want?

Yes, this girl was me.

What I wanted next was to prepare myself to go back to my summer occupation as a “challenging outdoor personal experience instructor” also known as C.O.P.E. One summer prior I had the neat opportunity to work for the BSA (Boy Scouts of America) at the Teton High Adventure Base in Wyoming. The lessons that I learned for myself were great, but the influence the inspiring beauty had on me was immense, the friendships I built were incredible, and the people I interacted with changed how I viewed a lot of aspects in life. Working with the BSA was not only fun but had its own challenges and rewards.
I’m sure there are many more stories to come later on from the land of the Tetons… stay tuned for more adventures. . .

While I was up at “camp” (yes we lived in tents for months at a time) I had a period off from work for a Holiday, so I invited some of my very close friends to come and visit. Among these friends was Tad, who was the older brother of a close friend. 

 As we enjoyed our activities we grew closer as friends and before we knew it, it was time for them to go home back to reality. If you have not caught on yet, Tad and I continued growing closer in our friendship. . . eventually we dated for a week then broke up because the timing was not right. Stayed close friends and grew even closer. 

 3 Months later we started dating once more, then progressed to courting...

 next we were engaged, 3 months after the engagement we were sealed (married) in the Temple. 

Then the real journey began....