I was just working on cleaning out my email inbox when I found this poem, I'm not sure who the author is which is unfortunate, because I think they did a wonderful job of showing gratitude for the "simple everyday" things that are essential to our being here on earth...
I have two feet to walk upon
as I go about my way.
They may not be the swiftest
yet they follow God each day.
I have two hands with many fingers
and alone they don't seem like much.
But when clasped in prayer together,
the Father's heart they touch.
I have two eyes with which to see.
Such a wonder He did impart.
But, greater than these are the ones He opened
so deep within my heart.
I have two ears that hear so much.
It truly does astound.
But, when my Lord whispers my name
oh, the sweet melodies that abound.
Now, they say I have only one heart,
but, really, that isn't true.
For one is flesh and one is love
and that adds up to two.
One is to keep; the other to give.
Our Father planned it that way.
For you see there isn't anything
He didn't think of on that day.
He knew everything we'd have need of
the day He formed the clay,
And ever since He's been providing
and for THAT I give thanks this day.