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Friday, October 26, 2012

Two years ago an exciting time came, time to start our family! Tad and I were incredibly excited and did everything we could to prepare, or so we thought. After a year of trying all natural ways of improving your chances, we began to have heavy hearts. Doctors visits ensued, prayers were said and our journey continued. This journey continues still today. Since we began we have learned incredible lessons, shared tears of heart ache and of joy and hope. Family and friend have buoyed us up and given us strength as they encourage us to keep trying. To everyone I say thank you! 

I started a little idea with the hope I could bless the lives of other's while earning some money to put towards our infertility treatments. I am currently crocheting booties (slippers) and selling them for this purpose. Already we have been received with love and have a few people participating! Don't worry your booties are coming for those of you who have ordered. Here are some examples of what I've sent out so far. 

This is an example of the Adult size

Toddler size

Infant boy

Infant girl 


As I have been making these I have learned a lot about the joy that comes from taking raw material and creating something better, and more useful. It is a joy to think my efforts might be keeping some angels feet warm. I feel like Heavenly Father is taking me (a raw material) and through this trial shaping me into something better, more useful!