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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baby Booties
Here are some of the most recent booties that have been ordered. I am loving the creativity of the booties being requested and seeing how everyone is mixing different colors.

 Light brown and pale baby blue 4.5 inch infant/toddler

Light brown and a pale baby blue double lined body with
a solid light blue top. Gives a nice variation.

Hot pink and orange toddler

Please help spread the word to your
 friends to see if they are interested!
 I’m going to be making some
“santa’s feet” only available this month!
  pictures of Santa's feet booties coming soon!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Phones at work have been crazy so I've been looking for ways to help me remember how much I really do enjoy helping people. Customer service is the business to be in if you want to be a help for good and a strength for giving yourself the opportunity to exercise patients. While looking for a way to help myself I decided to send a cute picture to a few loved ones. To which I received many positive responses. This was the photo.
 Isn't this super cute? SMILE!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Quick update. Our last treatment hopes and dreams were dashed by reality. In truth we were hoping this one would work out for us so we would be able to call the radiology department at St. Marks to go and have our test done. However after our 5th round of Clomid I never did ovulate this month. We had three successful months in a row which was an incredible blessing and are hoping we can get to that point again. In the past we have had a few runs of success and then a pit fall where I stop responding. Emotionally all of the testing, waiting and testing has worn on me in ways that are difficult to express. I can honestly say that there is an incredible human capacity to try.

Difficulty comes upon us and we have to ask ourselves what are we made of, how are we going to act and what can we learn. Then the more you try to endure and face the experience at hand the more it becomes evident that we are going to have good and bad days, we are going to feel pain and sorrow as well as love and increased awareness that we are not forgotten or left alone without a hope. Heavenly Father and his son, our Savior bless our lives immensely. We just have to be looking for those blessings.

Recently we took our Young Women to the temple to see the lights and to reflect on ways to live pure virtuous lives. I shot a few pictures on my phone and thought about how uplifting light in general is, an how it dispels the darkness in our lives. It was a nice break.

Tad has been an incredible support and a great source of loving encouragement. I only hope to be able to return the favor as we grow together. Last night we were informed that Todd's cancer is back and is aggressively moving once more. He is doing some testing to assess his next step in the process of the fight. One thing I've always admired about Todd is his unfailing ability to love God and to trust in him. He has never blamed his cancer on anyone or anything. He takes everything in stride and usually with a healthy dose of humor. He uplifts the rest of us when we should be uplifting him! Our prayers are with him and our gratitude for his courage and strength.